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Updated: Nov 10, 2022

Is it me or has the week been just dragging on or what?

But anywho...Happy Thursday!

In this weeks sAs-y Girl news letter I'd like to chat about love.

So what is love? How do we show it and how do we want to receive it?

Where I work they like to discuss what is your form of love language or for this business' purposes care language. My love language is receiving gifts. I don't mean extravagant gifts but simple gestures that say hey! I thought about you and wanted you to have this or a quick message that says thinking of you. Now since your girl is single, I leave it up to my dear sister to figure this out. At work, my co-workers sometimes do simple things like buying me my favorite junk food or giving me a fun stress ball. These simple gestures make me feel appreciated without them actually telling me. To reciprocate this kindness I tend to keep myself available and helpful where I can.

What is your love language? Have you thought about it?

I hope this brings a joy to your day.


Now for the featured gallery of this news cycle. Alexa and Christian are probably one of my favorite couple. To witness the ease of their relationship was inspiring and gave me a bit of hope...more on that another day. It was hot and humid but we captured some beautiful images in downtown Jackson. Check out some of my favorite images from this session. If you don't like spice, don't peek into this gallery.

love couples downtown Jackson, MS portrait sAsy Shutters photography Sheena Alexander

Have a wonderful Thursday! And talk to you soon! Sheena

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