Her Crown is Yours too. When you saw the headline, you were probably wondering what does she mean? No matter what job role you are in, you in your own way have an opportunity to affect the next woman. I may or may not have met you yet, but can I tell you something, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Right now, in whatever state you are in, I need you to believe you are beautiful just the way you are!
For every woman who comes in contact with me, they may hear me say good morning beautiful or hello gorgeous. God has made you and developed you to this very point. Every scar, bump, bruise, roll, and whatever else we as women like to point out about ourselves are what make you, you. They are subtle reminders of where you have been and bits of encouragement to keep pushing to get where you want to be. You have come to this very point in your life because you kept moving forward.
You know I have a story, these days I am filled with them. lol I recently walked into the cafeteria to grab lunch and one of the ladies who prepares my food crossed my path on her way back to the kitchen. I said hello gorgeous. She then told me that made her day. My innocuous comment brightened someone’s day. Not something I set out to do but just me encouraging another “crown” to keep going and doing her thing. Each interaction with another person can be an encouragement for the day, the moment, or their life. You never know who is watching you or how you can impact that person.
My mother used to tell me to be careful how you treat people because you never know what another person is going thru. We all have things going on that challenge us mentally, physically, and emotionally. From one crown to another you got this!
Meet the stunning Tiara
Now Tiara is another chocolate beauty that I met while doing her birthday session. She has such a grace about her that drew my photography mind to want to capture her in something but what had not fully materialized. Like Alea, I reached out to her, and the rest is herstory.
Tiara said “My crown symbolizes beauty, resilience, culture, and versatility. My favorite hairstyle in my natural state is between a voluminous curly high puff or sleek slick back curly bun. All depends on my mood and the occasion. The fact that we have the ability to do whatever with our hair whenever gives me a sense of pride. And it doesn’t matter the length, color, texture, or shape, the crown of a black woman is full of endless possibilities."
That they are Tiara, we are like our hair full of endless possibilities.
Check out my favorite images from Tiara's session!
What’s your favorite hairstyle that gives you that extra oomph of confidence?